Press Play Salem
Photo by Damian Byington

Rob Melton:
Secrets of a Salem Slinger

Rob Melton is a Salem icon.

He’s been slinging drinks on the Salem scene, quenching thirst, highlighting flavor and exploring traditions with a twist for “a very long time.” But the master mixologist is more than a bartender. He’s a dedicated community member with a generous spirit. His annual Tips for Tots fundraiser supports granting the gift wish lists for a number of families during the holidays. In the 20 plus years, he has been organizing the grassroots initiative, he’s raised more than $100,000 and assisted hundreds of families. He’s also a collector of vinyl, teller of stories, an archiver of secrets…a wealth of information and intrigue. So stop, and join us as we pour into the world of “Rob the Bartender.”

“When I get home I’m done shaking, stirring, blending, muddling…I pour a shot of Jack Daniels and open a 16-ounce PBR.” – Rob Melton

What is your favorite thing about Salem? Salem is still accessible. I called the Mayor’s office to talk about keeping Olinger Pool open, which is very important to me, and they were like, “Ok, great, can you come in Thursday at 2? And oh, we’re going to have Peter, the Public Works Director, here, too.” That wouldn’t happen just anywhere. This city is changing and people want to be involved. We are accessible.

What are your greatest influences? On my career, Geof Grabenhorst. He was the best restaurateur I have ever known, a good friend and a damn fine person. I miss him every day. He made you feel special every time you saw him. On my life, probably John Lennon. He wasn’t worried about popular opinion, he just did what he felt was right, including giving it all up to raise his child. When he made mistakes he owned them.

What is your greatest fear? Involves my children. Next question, please.

What qualities do you admire most in your friends? I have an amazing group of friends that know how to get things done. I tend to overthink, while they are just like, “Well why not? Let’s make it happen…and they do!” That, and they are not afraid to call me out when they need to…

What’s the title of the current chapter of your life? “Hmm, I wonder how this is going to work” or “Hang on, this is where it gets bumpy…”

Most interesting concert you’ve been to? It’s hard to pick just one. I’ve seen the biggest, the best, and the loudest over the years, but it all comes back to my first. I saw David Cassidy when I was in second grade. (The kids are going to have to Google him.) He is the reason I picked up a guitar, grew my hair long and fell in love with music. He wasn’t just cool, he personified cool.

If you could hang out with anyone from the past, who would it be? The answer you could expect would be Da Vinci or Michelangelo or maybe Lennon or Harrison, but the truth be told I’d give anything for one more day with my best friend Derek. He died when we were 18. I can’t help but think the world would be a very different place had he stayed. It is certainly better for having him here, if only for a short time. 

What did you think you would grow out of but haven’t? I’ve tried not to grow out of anything. Grown-ups are boring.

Which living person do you most admire? How do you not admire each person that wakes up and tries everyday? The homeless that for some reason keep moving. The oppressed that keep fighting. The people that just refuse to give up. Everyday heroes I say, all of them. Them and Dave Grohl. That guy just kicks ass. There is no backup plan for him. Gotta admire his drive.

Best compliment you have ever received? “You know you made a kids life better today, right?” That. That was a good one.

Most prized possession? My wife had a 1953 Telecaster custom built by hand for me from Mark Cruzan. It’s stunning. Someday I’m going to learn how to really play it.

Funniest pick up line you’ve heard? I’ve got a shower at home that never runs out of hot water…

What do you want your epitaph to be? Good Father. Fair Husband. Decent Guy. Not a bad guitar player.

This story originally ran in Press Play Salem issue 1 (Jun/Jul 2018)

Carlee Wright

Carlee Wright is a community instigator with a grand love for Salem and notably fashionable shoes (Hello, John Fluevog!) who turns waste into wearable art in her "spare" time.

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