Catering to discerning fans of fine film with personal attention to every customer...we are Salem's only independently owned & operated movie theater specializing in art, foreign, independent & exceptional film.
Salem Cinema has been a cultural hub of our thriving city since 1982, dedicated to enriching our community by providing year-round films, educational programs, and a venue for engaging activities. We present the richness of American and world cinema, including live-filmed performances such as theatre, dance, opera and other musical events and see film as a source of cultural literacy, learning and vision for the future as well as a place for discovery, community and delight.
In addition to broadening horizons and cultural awareness and understanding through the art of film, we are proud to offer a fundraising asset to our many local non-profit organizations by way of hosting movie benefit nights in partnership with their own missions.
ONLY IN OREGON lists Salem Cinema as the #1 theater in Oregon to offer an unforgettable viewing experience and in 2023 Wealth of Geeks named Salem Cinema the Best Movie Theater in Oregon!